Throughout the day, I find myself clenching my teeth, biting my lip, and frantically going through notes in my phone to desperately remember something, or just beating myself up over something I didn’t do … perfectly. As a mom, you are given such an important job. It’s hard to balance that responsibility of not messing up, that when you do, you feel like your whole world is going to explode.
There’s enough people in the world who may say you are doing it wrong. Whatever “it” is. Your spouse, your in laws, your parents, blogs, the media, the world even. You may find moments were you feel like you aren’t enough and can’t live up to the standard.
We all make mistakes. I think it’s such a cliche thing to say and such a silly thing to write. As if we don’t already know that. We all know that no one is perfect, yet we spend our precious moments trying to reach perfection that doesn’t exist. What’s worse is that this view point we have on perfection, mistakes, and beating ourselves up, takes a toll on our families along with ourselves.
I can attest to feeling down and stressed over something that essentially will not make or break me. There are several moments throughout the day that I would like to practice giving myself grace, permission, and the space to remind myself that my life is so much bigger than this issue.
The House Is A Mess
This is a common one. So simple, but one of the biggest reasons you can easily feel like you failed. Homes are never dirty on TV, in a magazine, and definitely not on Pinterest. Clicking through every DIY and Home Network Show can quickly weigh you down on what your space is supposed to look like 24/7. While a healthy home is definitely important, I’d like to start enjoying the people who live under the roof instead of being consumed by what the roof looks like.
I’m Not Enough As A Parent/Spouse/CoWorker/Child
It’s easy to start feeling the pressure of trying to be perfect and be the perfect model that someone is asking of you. The best thing you can do is give yourself the Grace and permission to be the best version of you. The best version of you will always be enough for everyone in your life. When you are committed to being happy, you will start to see that is the only thing that people, who love you, need.
Feeling Overwhelmed
Most things can wait. We constantly feel like things have to be done, right here and right now. On top of the already urgent feeling, we have to do more than we need to. Our to do lists are longer than ever. Give yourself permission to enjoy the world around you, and cut that list in half. While you are busy crossing off items on the list, the sun has already set, and waiting for you to replenish that list. Eliminate the tasks that take up too much time and re-evaluate your priorities.
A Mistake
Giving yourself Grace applies the most to the reality of making a mistake. Personally, a mistake to me feels like a defeat. It’s hard to forget and I start to imagine 50 million different ways I could have avoided it. Remembering that the past can’t be changed, and reminding yourself that mistakes are lessons learned is a quick way to prepare yourself to move forward. The past can’t be changed and today is leaving fast.
Remember that you can only be your best self, if you give yourself room to make mistakes and move on. Give yourself the forgiveness you need to create the life you want and be the best version of yourself.
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