My name is Stepfanie, and Stepfanie’s Desk is a personal blog about my extraneous life.
I live love writing about my city and all the different adventures my family and I have. Keeping girls contained in a house was the exact opposite of how we were raised 🙂
I am a mother to 4 kids, a writer, and a business owner. I fell in love with blogging when my first daughter was born, but have collections and collections of journals written from when I first started realizing how strangely my name was spelled.
I write about my adventures of being a mother and parenting my daughters. Along with writing about my children, you will also find blog posts about running a business, freelance writing, and hearing about my daily triumphs and failures when it comes to combining this life.
I have started many different blogging sites and membership sites, sold them, and moved on from niche to niche. In addition to being a social media manager and consultant for various businesses, I also am a ghostwriter for bloggers and authors.
My goal with this blog is to connect with other like-minded people, inspire a few hopefuls, and learn more about myself through writing and reading other blogs.
You can learn more about me by visiting my main site at .