We all know the about the benefits of yoga. However, what you may not know is that for new moms and mom in general, yoga should be your best friend. Yoga was originally developed in India as a meditation method for people who followed Buddhist and Hindu religions. Modern times have brought yoga mainstream.
Reduces Stress and Body Trauma
As a new mom, your body has went through so much stress and trauma. While yoga won’t take away those experiences, it can certainly help your body heal and recover from the stresses and prepare for future life. One of the main benefits of yoga is that it greatly improves your balance. Disconnecting from your surroundings helps you focus on your body and aids in concentration.
Lower Blood Pressure
Many moms experience blood pressure that’s higher than normal. As a stress reliever, yoga can help lower your blood pressure back to a normal level. Besides, we all know new parents are all very stressed, so who doesn’t benefit from a great stress relief?
Improves Posture
Carrying a child can wreck your posture. Yoga helps you learn to improve your posture, thus easing future back and nerve pain from improper posture. Children of all ages can wreck a parent’s sleep schedule. As yoga is a relaxing time, it will help mom’s sleep better. Due to your body changes, you may have noticed a bit of weight gain since the birth of your child. Normalizing weight and assisting in the weight loss journey is a HUGE benefit of yoga and almost every participant notices it.
Motion in Joints
As a new mom, your joints are going to become more stiff. The stretching, posing, and focus of yoga helps you focus on your body and extending the range of motion in your joints. While you’re noticing a range of motion in your joints, you may also notice an increase in brain activity, a very helpful skill in motherhood.
Overall, all moms (new and older) should practice yoga. The benefits will definitely make themselves shown almost immediately.
My wife has been complaining about stress and poor posture. I can’t blame her though, since she’s pregnant. It seems like yoga could really help her out. Maybe we could try it out together?