I am so happy to announce that The Ultimate Survival Guide for Mompreneurs book is live now on Amazon Kindle! It was a labor of love and I’m so excited to put my thoughts and notes into one book as a resource for other mompreneurs! The book will be on sale for $4.99, but for…
DIY Charcoal Face Mask
My kids have been all over Youtube this summer. I try to mix it up, make sure they are getting in summer reading, going to the gym, doing all their camps and soccer training, but I totally get that it’s summer and they want to relax and just unwind. One thing we came across was…
Free Printable Download: Multi-Planner & Monthly Brainstorm

I wouldn’t be able to get through one day if that day didn’t involve some sort of planning. I have 4 kids and everyone who knows me should know that if I get off schedule or what I’ve planned mentally in my head doesn’t pan out, my day will literally unravel before my eyes. Trust…
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Blending Business and Life Podcast
It’s a good morning when you try something new! This whole year has been about branching out and doing things that fear usually stops me from doing. I’ve been researching ways to take my business idea, Merge CoWork + Kids and turn it into a non-profit to make it easier to secure a location for…
Entrepreneur and Parent, Falling Into Place

I fell into being an entrepreneur. After having my first daughter while just starting college, I didn’t want to just get a fast food job or work at the mall for minimum wage. Even though I had tremendous support around us, I spent every second with her and didn’t want to leave her side, especially…
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$100 Home Office Giveaway

In my home, I have absolutely no space for a home office. The irony about my blog title “Stepfanie’s Desk” is that I really don’t have a desk at all. The point is that this blog is supposed to be my “desk,” my brain dump for all my writings and daily adventures. I work on…
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Time Management Tips for The Mompreneur #DeskLessons

If there is one thing that a Mompreneur struggles with, it’s time. More than not, it’s the lack of time. As we became either business owners who became moms, or moms who became business owners, there is this daily tug of war and what gets our attention and when. Simplify a List The biggest things…
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