Looking to change the direction of your blog?
Want to make money with your blog?
Looking for ways to get more readers?
Want to work with major brands?
All of us have different blogs and all of us have different goals for our blogs. While we can learn a lot from classes, webinars, and conferences, it may be hard to take everything you’ve learned and apply it directly to your blog and your life.
I have been conducting private, custom blog critiques for the past year, helping bloggers transform their blog to create the atmosphere and life they are looking for. With over 6 years of blogging and social media experience, I take what I have learned, and continue to learn, and apply it directly to your blog and your goals.
How does a Custom Blog Critique Work?
- After payment, I will send you a questionnaire This will include all of your goals, where you would like to be in 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and 5 years. You will also asked to be include information about your blogs, social networks, and experience in working online. This way, we can assess exactly where you are stuck and what steps you need to take.
- I will email you back and let you know of any other questions I have after reading your review.
- Depending on your unique blog, I will usually get back to you with your Custom Blog Review Report within 1-2 weeks. This will be a an ebook report that gives you a step-by-step report on what steps to take to achieve your goals directly.
- After you review your report, we can set up a time to do a video conference on Google+ to visually go over your blog, highlight things we discussed, and answer any additional questions.
My goal for Custom Blog Critiques is to save you time and money
and get your blog where you need it to be.
Custom Blog Critiques start at $37 and are available only for a limited number of people every year. To secure your spot in my queue, use the button below to make a payment. You will receive your questionnaire within 24 hours to get started on your critique.