We are right in the middle of summer, and just around the corner, school will be starting! This year, I’ll have 3 kids in school, and just one more at home. I’m excited for this school year because my stepson will start 6th grade, my sweet Truly will be going into 3rd, and my youngest girl will be starting Kinder! I’ll still have my sweet 2 year old at home with me.
Then I remember, that summer is winding down, and I tell myself “Where did that time go?!” I was sure that summer had just started, kids were just let out of school, and we were busy planning what we were going to do.
I’ve watched my kids grow out of clothes, learn new talents, turn into bookworms, and also want to seclude themselves to video games more. Changes are coming and time is passing, and over all, I don’t know what I want to do about that.
How to Slow Down Time
While we don’t have a way to go back in time or press a slow motion button, there are ways to cherish those moments and slow down time for you and your kids.
Read Aloud to the Family
A great way to spend time with the family without any distractions is to read a story out loud. It can be a chapter book that you choose to read as a family, or a picture book that has a silly story. Take the time to read the book, voice characters, take turns, and watch as your family lights up and time stands still.
Go for a Walk
Getting outside is the perfect excuse to get away from computers and iPhones. A walk is something slow paced and gives you the time to talk and connect. Choose a morning or late afternoon to stroll through your local park or trail to tell funny stories and admire the world around you.
Movie Nights
Even though watching a movie isn’t something that directly involves everyone in conversation, there’s something that connects everyone who is sitting on the couch sharing a bowl of popcorn. Put on a family movie, have everyone put on the favorite jammies, and camp out in the living room as a family. One of my kids’ favorite things to do with us is to just all sleep in the living room, lights off, laughing to an Adam Sandler movie.
Kids are only kids for a short while. If you think about it, from 18 all the way to 120, they are going to be adults. We only have a short amount of time to share their childhood with them. Try your best to make every moment count, and make every moment a memory that they can cherish.
What are your favorite “slow down” tips?
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