It’s a good morning when you try something new! This whole year has been about branching out and doing things that fear usually stops me from doing. I’ve been researching ways to take my business idea, and turn it into a non-profit to make it easier to secure a location for this new coworking and kids space. I hosted my very first large women event here in San Antonio called The Women Shine Event. It was an awesome and inspiring evening where I learned a ton from other women telling their stories and sharing their maps to success. Another thing that has been on my “want to do but I’m scared of doing” is creating a podcast. I’ve always loved the idea of podcasting. You don’t have to wear make up and dress up, and I’ve listened to quite a few podcasts online and in the car through my phone.
After the Women Shine Event, I was inspired by the way the other women reacted to hearing the stories of the speakers. Everyone loved hearing their stories of rising above and I wanted to take that momentum to create more ways that we can share other people’s stories and tips to success!
I know there are many people, like me, who are sometimes hesitant to get on camera for a video, but most people don’t have a problem doing a phone interview or being featured on a podcast!
I thought of different show ideas, but everything always came back to finding a way to balance their business without it totally consuming their lives. Every client I’ve ever worked with always had this issue: either their business was starting to suffer or their lives were being put on the back burner. Thus, Blending Business and Life Podcast was born!
Here I’ll feature different tips, tools, and hacks that help us create and grow a business that revolves around our life, instead of consuming it. I’ll also share interviews with other entrepreneurs for them to share their stories and their pieces of advice.
I hope you’ll join me on this journey. Podcasting is totally new to me, I’ve been interviewed on one before and have co-hosted shows, but I am loving the community and groups that are so helpful and eager to share everything they are learning!
Be sure to check out my Podcast feed at:
& Follow the blog and podcast at:
And check out the very first podcast here:
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